
Fish species

Flatfish products such as sole, plaice, turbot and brill are an important part of the more than 6,000 tons we produce annually in our modern factory on the North Sea coast. 
Fresh or frozen, gutted, filleted or dense fish, ready to cook or breaded, packaged for Cash and Carry or Retail. 
You name it! Bertus-Dekker Seafood makes all of the above possible, efficiently and fast. 
Our multilingual staff can always communicate in the language of our customers, be it Italian, Spanish, English or German). It doesn’t get easier than this!

Pleuronectes platessa

In the western part of the North Sea, all the way up to Norway and Iceland, Plaice is caught the whole year round. In summer, the fillets are of perfect quality: thick and flavoursome.

Scophthalmus rhombus

Brill is available throughout year. Thickness and tast of these fish are at their peak between July and February. Brill is caught from the Mediterranean Sea up to Iceland. The best quality comes from the North Sea.

Dover sole
Solea solea/Solea vulgaris

Caught in the North Sea, English Channel and Gulf of Biscay. 
Dover sole is available all year round. 
North Sea Dover sole are highly sought after and much appreciated. Especially between autumn and early March Dover sole is thick and free from roe.

Psetta maxima

Caught in all seasons between the Mediterranean Sea and Iceland. Turbot is at its finest in the period from October to February. Commercialized whole or filleted,  wild caught Turbots are the best!
Other types of fish 

Bertus-Dekker Seafood also provides a wide range of other whole round fish (in addition to flatfish), 
such as Red Gurnard and wild-caught Seabass. 
Together with whole fish we have the possibility to provide a selection of fillets of all of the mentioned species. 
We also sell Mackerel fillets and fillets of cultivated seabass and seabream. 

Other products we can supply: razors, squid, doghish and breaded fish fillets.

Red Gurnard 
Trigla lucerna

Sparus Aurata

Dicentrarchus labrax

Dogfish fillet
Squalus acanthias

Mackerel fillet 
Scomber scombrus

Ensis directus

Loligo vulgaris

Breaded fillet

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